[Spectator] What conservative gay Christians want

..Ed Shaw is an evangelical pastor in Bristol and is gay ”” or, as he puts it, he ”˜experiences same-sex attraction’. It’s a less misleading term, he tells me. ”˜If I say to people in conversation, “I’m gay,” they tend to presume that I’ll be delighted if they match me up with their gay friend Barry.’ Which isn’t what he’s looking for: ”˜I’d love to meet any of their friends, but I don’t want to be match-made with people because I’m not interested in that sort of relationship.’

Shaw is one of the founders of Living Out, a website written by gay people who are also traditionally minded Christians. As he points out, this is quite a large constituency. The ”˜horror stories’ about churches rejecting LGBT people dominate media coverage, he says: Living Out exists partly to record more positive experiences.

Shaw’s is one of them. ”˜As a pastor,’ he says, ”˜I thought being open about my sexuality would be a disqualification for the job, and would mean that people would stop coming to me.’ Instead, they started calling on him more than ever. ”˜Because they think, this guy finds life tough, it’s not easy for him, he might be able to help me..

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Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, Anglican Provinces, Church of England (CoE)